Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Manual 1 - Lesson 4: The Holy Ghost

I got to teach last week!  My advisor was speaking in church and didn't want to have to worry about preparing a lesson also, so she asked if I would mind teaching.  Hooray!  The lesson was on the Holy Ghost.  I really liked the lesson suggestion to have the girls write down the chalkboard discussion and take the paper home to put by their beds.  That way, when they say their prayers in the morning and at night, they will be reminded of the things they need to do to be WORTHY of the companionship of the Holy Ghost and also of the ways that the Holy Ghost can BLESS their lives.  I personally felt the Spirit telling me that if the girls would pay attention to the ways the Holy Ghost can bless their lives their lives and if they would look for those blessings at the end of everyday, that they would see those blessing and miracles and that it would be a great experience for them.  I hope they do it!  I need to do it also!

So, here are those handouts that I made.  If the design in the background is too light when you print it, let me know.  I print using a color laser printer and I have noticed that it prints significantly darker than it looks on my screen or when printed by an ink jet printer (photo or otherwise).  Again, there are two files - the original done on Adobe Illustrator and a .pdf file that can viewed using Adobe Acrobat.


Anthea said...

for some reason I can't open the handout link. I was wondering if you might be able to email it to me please?

Lana said...

cant open them either.......just goes to a go daddy page.

maddy said...

Won't open. Could you please e-mail them.

kim said...

Can't open it either:)

Jen said...

Could you email it to me also?


Angi said...

Hey I would love you to email them to me too :) THANKS!!

halfadozenroses said...

I was not able to open it either... could you email me thank you!! :)

Darren and Brandi said...

Would you mind e-mailing me the file? We had a snow day so we are a week behind in lessons. If not, no big deal. Thanks!

Kathy Edmunds said...

I can't open it either. Please email me a copy. Thanks so much!

Hailee said...

I can't open it with. Could you please email it to me as well? Thanks.

Ginelle said...

I'm having the same trouble getting it opened. Could you also email it to me? :)
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can you send me the info too.
Thank you!

Cassidi Stewart said...

Couldn't view either.. Could you email it to me? My email is

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Could you email me also, thanks.

Brynnly and Alan said...

I couldn't open it either. Would you mind sending me the link as well? Thank you so much!

Kyli said...

can you email me them please
